Welcome to World of the Web

The WorldWideWeb is perhaps the greatest tool/artifact, to date, in the evolution of humanity. The simple reason for that fact is that it is the first place where potentially all of the world's inhabitants can come together in a freeform democracy. What an opportunity; what a frightening challenge. This Blog is dedicated to introducing people to new and interesting aspects of the WWWeb. Welcome!
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Next month will be my mother’s 92nd birthday. Unfortunately, she passed away 10 years ago this coming November. Last December was the 10th anniversary of my younger brother, Larry’s, passing. He was 46 at the time of his death and would have been 57 this past May. It’s hard to believe how long it has been since both of their passings. My mother died as a result of a mistake made in a hospital. My brother died of AIDS. It was quite amazing that he lived as long as he did, for he had been HIV positive for over a decade, making him one of the earlier gay men to contract that horrible disease. He once told me that he had been attending an average of a funeral every week for over a year as he buried his friends, one after another. Before he died he looked like a prisoner who had just been freed from Auschwitz or Buchenwald. Except in his case, there was no freedom other than death.

Although most of the official medical profession has invested tremendous amounts of time and money into “discovering” a human-simian link to explain the origin of HIV/AIDS, I have come to believe that it was a deliberately created virus. I first became aware of this possible origin through Dr. Alan Cantwell’s book, “AIDS and the Doctors of Death.” Then, a couple of years ago I discovered Dr. Boyd Grave’s website, State Origin. I immediately copied and printed the flowchart for the alleged development of AIDS that Dr. Graves had discovered and posted on his website. For those unfamiliar with the particulars of this flowchart (yes, I’m talking to you, dear reader), the flowchart was originally allegedly approved by Richard Nixon in 1971.

What? You didn’t know about this? Well, I’ll also bet that you didn’t know that they finally discovered WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction. It happened just last year. Didn’t you hear about it? In point of fact, they discovered millions of tons of WMD, buried in the ground … at Fort Detrick, MD. Fort Detrick is also where part of this alleged research and development of the AIDS virus took place. Whatever WMD Sadaam Hussein had, he had them largely because they, or the knowledge of how to develop them, were originally “given” or “sold” to him by the United States Government and its allies. But we apparently forced him to destroy most of this technology after Desert Storm, while we merely buried our own WMD in Maryland. Well, HIV/AIDS is another WMD if one understands its possible deliberate origins.

The more I am aware of how much I know, the more I am aware of how little I know. And considering that I am cognizant of a whole lot more than most of the people that I know and have known, I am therefore dedicated to turning people on to information. Hence the reason for this Blog. So today I want to turn you on to some different perspectives regarding this world menace call AIDS. Check out the above links and give yourself some time to think about what they offer in the area of answers of a different stripe than those you might have believed before checking out their perspectives.

Now, I know that these guys may be a bit whacked. But I’m not certain that everything that they are saying is whacked. If you do some searches on the Internet, you’ll also find some folk out there who will take great issue with both Dr. Cantwell and Dr. Graves. But just because some people disagree with them doesn’t necessarily mean that they are wrong. Remember, before a couple of decades ago we didn’t know about black holes. And it was only last week that the discoverer of black holes, the creator of the concept, Dr. Stephen Hawking, finally admitted that he was originally wrong when he said that black holes destroy matter

So, although I know that I’m stepping out on a limb here by stirring the pot up a bit, I’m going to stir it just the same. At the very least, I owe it to my brother to explore the causes of his untimely death. There are just too many strange coincidences about the emergence of AIDS/HIV to just dismiss it as an African simian virus that made the leap to humans on its own accord.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Here’s a rundown on my presence on the web (CAPS are important with AOL):


TANSTAAFL City: http://members.aol.com/ZTANSTAAFL/
This is the general entry point and has some background stuff about this identity known as Charles DeTurk.

Practical Truth Ministry: http://members.aol.com/RevDeTurk/
This is my online ministry site. There are notes from classes and tapes for sale and some preliminary text from one of the books that I’m writing.

MajorDomo's World: http://members.aol.com/ZMajorDomo/
MajorDomo is a nom de plume that I began using about 30 years ago. I use it for my more “secular” thoughts and contributions. It contains a number of “perspectives” that one might find interesting.

Surf City: http://members.aol.com/ZTANSTAAFL/SurfCity.html/
Here I have over 7,000 links to other websites. A few links are no longer valid, but the overwhelming majority are still good, in spite of not being updated in 3 years.

Beading Adventures: http://members.aol.com/SherriSite/
I set this up with the idea of displaying some of the jewelry that my wife makes. Lack of adequate storage space limited that idea.


Practical Truth: http://practicaltruth.blogspot.com/
This, of course, is my ministry. The notes for a series of classes that I taught entitled, “What We Believe That Makes Us Different” are here.

Still … After All These Years: http://zmajordomo.blogspot.com/
Here we have MajorDomo’s latest inputs on Metaphysics and Quantum Physics and whatever else is of interest to me.

Welcome To Web World: http://welcomewebworld.blogspot.com/
This is an extension of Surf City in that I highlight, with personal comments, various other sites of interest on the Net.

Millennium Paradigm: http://millenniumparadigm.blogspot.com/

This is the ongoing text of one of 3 books that I’m currently involved in writing. Of the three, this is the one that is most challenging, and the one, therefore, that I’m most excited about. I’m posting the content to this weblog as I create it.

Explorations In The Dynamics Of Consciousness: http://expdyncon.blogspot.com/

Fifteen years ago I began putting together a 24-hour seminar entitled “Explorations In The Dynamics Of Consciousness.” The original intention was that this would be a combination seminar and performance. This is that beginning.

What I Want To Know Is …..: http://whatiwanttoknowis.blogspot.com/

With thanks, apologies and baskets of kudus to Max Headroom and Edison Carter, this is where we share some of the things that we are curious about.

Sunday Morning Talk: http://sundaymorningtalk.blogspot.com/

This is a continuation of my previous weekly eletters where I shared a weekly 20-30 minute talk. This time, however, it will be posted on the Net rather than sent as an email. That places the responsibility for reading it on the reader and cuts out a tremendous amount of email

Various email addresses are found throughout these sites, though the primo ways to reach me are at: charlesdeturk@yahoo.com or revdeturk@yahoo.com (Note: I only check AOL, Earthlink, & Hotmail about once every 2 to 4 weeks).

Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Insanity Test

And now, as Monty Python would say, for something completely different. I happened across this link a couple of years ago and have had a lot of fun sharing it since then. Although this is located on the computers at Cornell University, there are copies of it scattered about the Net. Let me just tell you that I had the extreme good fortune to see four generations of my family view this site simultaneously and they were all in insanely hysterical stitches. Personally, I love it and am judged insane every time I view it. Hope you enjoy it as much as we have:


Thursday, February 20, 2003
Everything I Know

Where to start? This is about R. Buckminster Fuller, otherwise known as Bucky. He is most renowned for "inventing" the geodesic dome. That's dome structures constructed from triangles. He also had 42 doctorates and 27 patents when he passed in July of 1983.

Bucky was/is a mentor of mine. I first met him in the early 70's, but that's another story for another day. There are a number of interesting websites concerned with Bucky, but I have one particular one (or two) that I would like to share with you today.

In 1975, from January 20 thru February 1, Dr. Fuller conducted a seminar in the evenings over a period of two weeks. The seminar took place at Bell Laboratories and was videotaped. My aged recollection is that the total seminar ran 60 hours, although the official time is now declared as 42 hours. The following year, 1976, the bicentennial year, Bucky's offices at University City Science Center in Philadelphia made the tape available as an onsite video seminar. The cost, as I recall, was probably $200 or $300 and the sessions would run for two weeks in Philly at his offices. So I, and a half dozen to a dozen other people interested in Fuller and his ideas showed up in April to let Bucky rewire our thinking.

We were each given 25 typed pages of notes made by Bucky's editor, E.J. Applewhite, and I personally took over 220 pages of notes myself during those two weeks. Over the next 20 years, I would occasionally look at my notes only to rediscover that not much of what I had written seemed to make a lot of sense to me. I refused to throw them away, however. Then one day I decided to transfer the notes to electronic storage on my word processor. In typing up the contents of those 220 pages, it all came back, as I had always figured it one day would. What a fantastic seminar.

I had long expected that one day the seminar tapes would be available for sale. When that day finally arrived, I discovered that I did not have the cash available to purchase them. My patience continued, however. Finally, about a year and a half ago, while surfing the net I came across a transcription of the entire seminar at a website run by Bucky's heirs, his grandchildren: http://www.bfi.org/everything_i_know.htm . All 42 hours. And that's not all. Further investigation reveals a copy of the transcription complete with the entire 42 hours of audio, either in its entirety or selectively by individual paragraph: http://omnifelicity.com/bucky/Default.htm . And now I see that they have added the entire seminar in video - online at the same location. Please Note: if you are interested in printing out this seminar, have a stack of paper ready; it's about 425 pages.

For those interested in more on Bucky, the Buckminster Fuller Institute at http://www.bfi.org/ is a good start. In addition, we will be sharing more on Bucky on this Weblog in the future.

Saturday, February 15, 2003
Global Consciousness Project

As promised, here is the link to the Global Consciousness Project: http://noosphere.princeton.edu/ .

Beginning in the early 70's, I predicted that the most important breakthrough of the 20th Century would come when science recognized and accepted consciousness as being valid and as being an influence upon our reality. I was certain that it would happen and that the ramifications would be felt for decades to come.

Enter the scientists at Princeton University. It seems that they had made note of the fact that certain experiments which had been performed in the pursuit of determining the validity, or lack thereof, of consciousness in impacting reality, implied that consciousness does, in fact, affect the world of appearance. We've probably all heard stories about experiments with people trying to guess what is in someone else's mind, or guess the actions of someone in another room, or guess what is on a flip card that another party is holding. And there have been the stories and books about how talking to plants and animals can affect their well-being.

Additionally, of course, this is a staple premise of quantum physics, that the observer alters the observed by the mere act of observation. But that idea was originally based upon theory, rather that "proof."

Well, then someone decided to run some of these tests in connection with possible effects upon a random number generator. I don't know about today, but back when I was in college taking Fortran (truly the dark ages, complete with decks of punch cards), one of the first programs that we had to write was a program to simulate the flip of a coin; would it result in heads or tails. To get the program to guess either heads or tails we used a sub-program known as a random number generator. It's a computer program to which one feeds a random "seed" number, and it then, through a series of complex algorithms, produces a prescribed series of yes's or no's (heads or tails). Even back in the 70's it was a very swift program; it seemed back then to run with lightening speed.

Well, just as some people study the numbers that are drawn in the lottery to attempt to detect patterns that might allow them to predict a future winner, so the scientists and the statisticians began to study the relationship of the random numbers to one another under different kinds of environmental consciousness. The bottom line result is that they determined that consciousness appears to affect the relationship of the random numbers that are generated. This isn't necessarily consciousness in the sense of "everybody thinking about the same number outcome," but rather the effects of unified consciousness and emotion across a broad range of possible thoughts and feelings, occasionally jelling through interest in a shared concept or event. One example is the World Cup.

Several years ago (the last century) these Princeton scientists deployed 40 Random Number Generators (RNG's) around the planet. They run on ISP servers scattered around the world. That number was later increased to the present 60 RNG's. Along with the programs written to monitor the results of the numbers being generated, these sites are referred to as "eggs."

Following the events of 9/11 (2001), someone got the idea to go back and examine the data gathered prior to, and including, those event times. They were astounded to discover, not only that there was a shift in the correlation of the numbers at the event, but that the shift apparently began a day or two before the events themselves. It almost looked as though global consciousness knew what was about to happen even before the rest of us did. Kind of weird. Kind of interesting. Kind of exciting.

A year later, when the winning numbers for the New York State Lottery for September 11, 2002 (9/11) were drawn, they were 9 1 1 . This time there was not only an apparent shift in consciousness, but a pronouncement from the Princeton Sci folk that the reason those were the winning numbers that were drawn might well be because so many people expected those to be the winning numbers. New York had already stopped selling tickets before the actual drawing with those numbers when they surpassed over 12,000 in sales of tickets for the numbers 9 1 1 .

Now, for those who might think, "this is a little over my head," I would advise you to listen to my own story. When I first got started in the field of computers almost 30 years ago, I used to read a lot in magazines and in manuals that I didn't understand. I was young and more foolish in those days, so I didn't want to let on how little I knew so I was hesitant to ask questions. But somehow I innately knew that if I kept reading, even though I didn't understand everything that I was reading, that eventually someday it would make sense and when it did, I would already know it. I would advise that this is still a good premise, as it has worked for me for decades.

Note: for those who are new to "surfing the net," most sights have a selection called "links" or something similar. Check these out. It's amazing where they sometimes take you. I'm sure that many of us are familiar with the concept of "six degrees of separation," in which it is claimed that we all know people who know people who know people, etc. By the sixth "who know people" person, we are connected to every person on the planet. A similar story is the one where a dog barks in a back yard in New Jersey, and the dog next door starts to bark and then the dog across the street begins to bark, awakening the dog down the street who begins to bark, and on and on until the bark eventually travels around the world, only to return to the original dog, who once again barks when the bark that he started returns.

One final example of this in is Isaac Asimov's excellent book, "Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology," if one follows the cross references listed under any of the 1,510 scientists listed in this epic tome, I'm certain that one will be led to read the entire book, for, of course, its all connected. And so it is with the Internet. That's one of the reasons it can appear to be so addicting, because the connections are sometimes so intriguing, and even, at times, amazing.

So, enjoy the Global Consciousness Project and remember that we are all one. Everyone is connected to every one. And it shows.

Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Viridian Manifesto

A little over a dozen years ago I had a book recommended to me by a friend who worked for an 8th grade-educated West Texas multimillionaire who made his multi-millions selling self-help subliminal audio tapes to people through seemingly nonstop television infomercials. At the time, I managed the company's computer department. My friend was in charge of creating the subliminal tapes and putting together new TV shows (infomercials). I worked for Subliminal Promotions and he worked for the Subliminal Research Foundation. He was big into Amiga computers and, at the time, he showed me things that expanded my mind. His name was Bill Flannigan and one day he told me about a book by Stewart Brand entitled, "The Media Lab." It was subtitled, "Inventing the Future At M.I.T."

What a great book. A watershed, similar in some respects to Gene Youngblood's 1970 classic, "Expanded Cinema." I have recommended it, and quoted from it, time and again over the past two decades. The "Media Lab" introduced me to Peter Schwartz and Jay Ogilvy. It also introduced me to John Brunner, Vernor Vinge, and William Gibson (more on all three of these people at later dates). And Gibson, in turn, introduced me to Bruce Sterling (together, they are attributed with creating the science fiction genre known as CyberPunk). And that's who and what this entry is all about, Bruce Sterling. Several years ago, Bruce created the Viridian Manifesto. I won't begin to try to synopsize the green deed, but I would like to steer you in its direction. I think that many of you will find it exceptionally intriguing, particularly if you are into green. You'll find the latest at http://www.viridiandesign.org

The original talk which resulted in the Viridian Manifesto is posted there at http://www.viridiandesign.org/viridiandesign.htm . I guarantee you that this is Green like you have never seen it before. Many of these people are cutting edge. I warn you not to just give it a cursory glance. Spend some time there. It gets deeper the further you enter into its logs. While you're at it, you might wish to read some Bruce Sterling, like "Islands In The Net".

Thursday, February 06, 2003
Dear friends -

I began writing these thoughts while out of town in Detroit at the first of the year. I know you haven't heard from me for a while. There are a number of reasons for that, and they can all be found in a file labeled "Life." I've been working, on and off, at finding the structure and processes that feel right for resuming our regular communication on a new and more sustainable and practical mode for sharing ideas. Now, as often happens, circumstances evolve their own priorities and planning is superceded by the action of the universe. That's a highfalutin' way of saying that I got a good self-butt kicking, so here I am again.

I'm also writing today to solicit financial support for what we are doing at Practical Truth Ministry. If that bothers you, we apologize, but it is a fact of our current human experience that most people have to be prompted to share what they have with others. We appear to be brought up in an advertising culture in which people are conditioned to act only when prompted, solicited, cajoled, enticed, or otherwise encouraged to participate. When one thinks about it, the fact that many charlatans and false prophets can generate millions of dollars in support of their spiritually bankrupt endeavors through extensive advertising and television broadcasts, while what we are doing here receives a trickle of financial support, is puzzling, to say the least. One of the basic differences between some of those who receive $millions and us is that we don't invest as much time and money in hammering people to give. We would like to think that it is not necessary to do that. We would like to think that people consciously just give regularly out of the goodness of their own hearts. Unfortunately, experience indicates that our thinking is out of touch with the reality of far too many people (we'll be talking about the reasons for that in the near future on the Web). So Please Stop Now And Seriously Consider How You Can Help To Financially Support This Ministry.

Some time ago I discovered Weblogs. For the uninitiated, these are essentially websites, or web addresses, where one can do a sort of online journaling. And that's what many hundreds of thousands of people all over the world use the concept for. An additional number of people, however, go beyond just journaling thoughts about their personal lives, instead creating commentary upon every topic one can possibly imagine, and designing ways, both textual and graphic, for expressing themselves in the realm of cyberspace. For many, this is a very regular process.

I quickly realized that I could convert our cyber expressions from the near 5,000 word eLetters which I used to post weekly, to regular journaling, and use email merely to periodically bring you up to date upon the latest highlights of my weblogging and where to find the output. This "great idea" didn't manifest immediately because the "fortunes of the business world," and the vagaries of life in general, once again intervened to temp me into not finding and applying the time necessary to underwrite this weblogging effort. I'm certain that many, if not all, of you can relate to the way we get sidetracked from what we desire to do. I remember Bucky Fuller telling me that once one no longer had to "work for a living, to work in order to justify one's existence," that they find themselves one day asking themselves the question, "what was I thinking about before I got interrupted." I have had exactly that experience upon more than one occasion. And it is those experiences that help us to get back on track with what we really want to do, and therefore what we should be doing with our lives.

Anyway, I've been legally unemployed for almost two and a half years now. To meet financial obligations, I have done a plethora of things to create a steady flow of financial income in order to "keep afloat." That's why I was in Detroit the first of the year, generating additional income by driving one of two 27' trucks and helping someone to move. And that's also why I began this past month as a part time Revenue Auditor on the midnight shift at UPS. Part of the price of "odd jobs" has been the amount of time such ventures have consumed and the difficulty that it creates for finding the sufficient, consistent time to "do what I really want to do, which is to share ideas and turn people on to possibilities, and thereby perhaps influence beneficial changes in people's lives, and through them (you), to positively influence the rest of the world." Now, with the end of the holiday season, I was suddenly notified, while in Detroit, that both my wife and I had been terminated from work that we had been doing for the past couple of years: she working full time, and me working part time. So, financially, we were once again standing upon the proverbial precipice which waits patiently just ahead of everyone's best laid plans.

My friend, John Crockford, recently forwarded a quote from Bucky Fuller stating that "the universe always provides," but with an additional "always" of "just in the nick of time." It's the "nick of time" that I am tiring of. The "nick of time" is totally incompatible with our current "economic system." But it's what we have to deal with.

Well, I'm taking all of this as another wakeup call. My dear friends, I need some cash and I need it now. If you have found benefit from the ideas and concepts that I have shared in the past, some financial remuneration would go a long way toward contributing to the continuation and expansion of those ideas and their proliferation throughout the world. If everyone on this list gave just $10 a month, I would not be working for someone else, but would, instead, be devoting my full time to expanding this ministry and what we have to share. Just $10 a week and we would be touching thousands of lives regularly instead of hundreds of lives occasionally.

I'm doing my part on this end, honestly seeking and accepting whatever work I can find while working on expanding my world of possibilities by initiating new ventures. And I regularly (daily) practice what I teach, which is why my attitude and expectations are still very positive and the universe continues to manifest in our lives here in miraculous ways, "just in the nick of time." But I throw a reminder in here by quoting Paul in his 1st letter to the Corinthians when he said (9:11), "Now if we have sown among you spiritual things, is it too much that we should reap material things from you?" Seems that this situational relationship has existed from the beginning.

Now, a look at what I offer on the net, just to bring you all up to date. My original websites are still on AOL. They haven't been touched in a couple of years because I maxed out the storage allotment (5 MB), but they are still very relevant. Please NOTE if you type the addresss that with AOL, upper case characters are apparently important in the URL address. In other words, if you have to type in the address yourself, be sure to pay attention to the capital letters (i.e. "SurfCity" rather than "surfcity"). To access a website, highlight the whole address (http://?.) by clicking and holding the left button on the mouse while identifying all of the text you wish to highlight, copy it (you can use the "Edit" dropdown menu in the top left corner of the screen or hold the "Ctrl" key down while pressing "C") and then paste it into your browser's address location bar on the upper part of the browser screen (again use either the Edit dropdown menu in the top left corner of the screen or hold the "Ctrl" key down while pressing "V") and then press "Enter" (be sure to first delete any "address" that may already be in the address location bar). I point out the foregoing because it has been my experience that many people who use the Internet for email nevertheless have little clue about where to go from there. And I don't know about you, but I've never liked having to admit to others that I have no idea what it is that I'm doing (personally, it doesn't keep me from admitting it, but I still find it uncomfortable at times). If you're already Net savvy, don't let the foregoing details bother you. The Net's there for everyone, old and new.

Our master website can be found at http://members.aol.com/ZTANSTAAFL . That site is known as TANSTAAFL City, CyberSpace, and it is a focal point for entering several different parts of our web sites, each part of which, incidentally, is directly accessible, as I'll explain. There are presently five components to TANSTAAFL City. The first is information about TANSTAAFL City itself. This is where you will find the story of why we decided to get involved in the Internet. There's also some background information about me, along with a resume. You might want to start by checking out "Current Highlights" and "What's New in TANSTAAFL City." Although what's new is old, it'll be new for most of you.

The second area in TANSTAAFL City is Practical Truth Ministry, accessed directly at http://members.aol.com/RevDeTurk . This is my ministry taken to the World Wide Web. As an ordained Unity Minister, I am using the Practical Truth Ministry site to make available that which I teach. I've always believed that the heart of a ministry is in sharing and practicing practical truth principles rather than in erecting large buildings with huge budgets and lots of politics. (For those who do buildings, I admire you and am grateful to you for your interest and expertise, for it provides locations in which people like me can teach; and we, in turn, can thereby help to draw new people to the ongoing work that you do.) Being nondenominational we can share these principles with anyone, anywhere, and they can then practice the principles that work for them wherever they choose to be, whether in another church or anywhere else in God's kingdom here on earth. A look at the "Sunday Services" area of Practical Truth Ministry will reveal new and helpful approaches to the truths that underlie our existence. There is also a section on tapes of various talks and classes we have presented in the past.

The next location in TANSTAAFL City is Major Domo's World, accessible directly through http://members.aol.com/ZMajorDomo . This is a very exciting part of our web site, for it is where the more secular Major Domo part of our consciousness is sharing new ideas, new concepts, and new perspectives that many people have never considered before. This is cutting edge. Be certain to check out "New Perspectives" while visiting Major Domo's World. It is guaranteed to excite or incite many of you out there. The world is changing dramatically at an increasing pace and Major Domo has his finger on the pulse of those changes and is very adept at explaining them.

Next is a site that is still being developed and is tentatively called "Beading Adventures". Directly accessible at http://members.aol.com/SherriSite , Beading Adventures is a site for my wife to do her thing. She designs exquisite beaded jewelry and has become quite knowledgeable in the world of decorative adornments. As we find time and more storage, this site will begin to take shape and develop its own slant.

Finally, there is a site called "Surf City". This is where we have provided links to other websites on the Net that we find pertinent. You can access it at http://members.aol.com/ZTANSTAAFL/SurfCity.html . Surf City contains over 7,000 links to websites that we think are interesting. Check out the site map. AOL and Yahoo and others have their own lists of what they feel are pertinent links. We've done the same, but hopefully from a different slant that will make Surf City a must for bookmarking (favorites). As time and space allow, this site will see more additions of new, efficient, quality links. We literally have thousands of new links that we have compiled over the years. Many of these links are literally quite astounding. I'd give you some examples here but once I got started it would be hard to stop.

So much for the work that we did in the past. Now let's get more current. Last year we created several weblogs, otherwise known as "blogs." For those interested in getting involved in blogging themselves, we recommend going to Blogger.com at http://www.blogger.com . Just be careful; blogging has been known to be somewhat addicting. That's not necessarily bad; it just means that one can develop an habitual interest in it. But that's just a part of our human nature. We all have habits that we've developed. Habits, in and of themselves, are not good or bad. The key word to always remember is "moderation."

Our first weblog is Practical Truth, located at http://practicaltruth.blogspot.com . On August 26, 2002, we logged the text for our series of classes that we teach entitled, "What We Believe That Makes Us Different." These are an update of the text which we had posted at our AOL RevDeTurk website under Sunday Services. In the future, we will be posting thoughts relevant to our ministry on this site. Of course, these will regularly share insight into better understanding the Bible by considering translations directly from Aramaic into English with an emphasis upon understanding ancient Aramaic culture, customs, and idioms. Our latest blog is the text for a basic introductory talk that we give entitled "The Quantum Physics of Spirituality."

Our second weblog is "Still . . . . . after all these years." You will find this located at http://zmajordomo.blogspot.com . On August 18, 2002, we posted our article, "In A Little Grain Of Sand," from our AOL ZMajorDomo website. In the future, this blog will be a continuation of what we had begun with "New Perspectives" before we ran out of space at AOL. This is where we will be examining the latest in scientific discoveries, free energy, quantum physics, the technological singularity, UFO's, the new economics, and much more. We will soon be posting an updated version of our paper, "Money And You." It will appear under the new title, "In God We Trust: The Truth Behind Money And You."

Finally, our third weblog is "Welcome To World Of The Web," which is located at http://welcomewebworld.blogspot.com . This is a continuation of sorts of what we were doing at Surf City. Here, however, we will be turning you on to Net Links, one-at-a-time with some explanatory commentary. In other words, instead of merely saying, "check out this link," we'll share the link with you in the way that we would if we were talking with you face to face. Just as a teaser, the next few links we will be blogging will have to do with the Global Consciousness Project, the entire California coastline in high quality photographs, and an audio and text transcription of a 42-hour seminar videotaped by R. Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller in 1975 entitled, "Everything I Know."

We are already aware that these three weblogs are going to occasionally bleed over onto one another, and that just means that you'll have to check them all regularly to keep up with what we're sharing. Our part of the bargain is to keep them updated regularly. Now, we hope that you'll excuse us if we sound a bit self-promoting, but if you read all of the information that we have mentioned above, we guarantee that you will discover ideas and perceptions that you've never known or considered before. We believe that we were all created for the purpose of growing in our knowledge and awareness, and so we attempt to stay out there on the cutting edge, hanging ten, and sharing what we find with you.

At last count we had over 600 people on this mailing list. That will probably change soon. We plan on moving our emailing efforts to a listserv, in which case everyone on the list will have to reply with a response agreeing to remain on the list. We are already aware that a large percentage of you will not do this, if for no other reason than that you just never get around to doing things like that (check out the end of our blog on "Quantum Physics and Spirituality"). We didn't want to make this change, however, until we had our weblogging in gear and had notified "all" of you of such. Now that that is done, we can continue with moving the list.

It is our intention that our emailing in the future will be roughly a monthly affair, bringing you briefly up-to-date on the latest of what we have posted on the web. But we will use our weblogs for the bulk of what we share. That way, you will be saved the large weekly emails of the past and can then keep your email box open and available for all of the spam that you receive on a daily basis. Also, what we have to share will always be available to everyone, everywhere, all of the time by being on the Web. We just hope that you will check out what we're doing before you decide to let yourself slip out of our loop.

You are always in our thoughts, our prayers, and our plans. We do what we do because we love sharing with others. Decades ago we realized that we all learn from experience. Actually, that's not exactly true. We actually "learn" from "new experience." When we discovered this fact, we determined that we would attempt to be, or to create, new experiences for people in the hopes that they would then continue to grow in whatever ways were most beneficial to their own individual development. In other words, we're not here to try to get you to think or to be any particular way, but rather to assist you in the eternal growth that is a part of your own divine nature. The only ideas we promote for everyone is healthy moderation, inclusiveness, and non-interference. We'll expand upon those three guidelines sometime in the future.

In synopsis, the following are the many ways in which you may access what we are doing:


TANSTAAFL City, CyberSpace - http://members.aol.com/ZTANSTAAFL

Major Domo's World - http://members.aol.com/ZMajorDomo

Practical Truth Ministry - http://members.aol.com/RevDeTurk

Surf City - http://members.aol.com/ZTANSTAAFL/SurfCity.html

Beading Adventures
- http://members.aol.com/SherriSite


Practical Truth - http://practicaltruth.blogspot.com

Still . . . . . after all these years
- http://zmajordomo.blogspot.com

Welcome to World of the Web - http://welcomewebworld.blogspot.com






3519 Westbrook Drive SE
Smyrna, GA 30082



We can now accept donations via PayPal. If you haven't been to PayPal, it's very easy to connect and make payments or otherwise transfer money with a credit card or with a bank account withdrawal. You have to create an account with them, however it is relatively simple and costs nothing for you or for us. If you wonder "how can they do this for free" then you will be most interested in my upcoming posting at our blog, "Still ?.. after all these years", entitled "In God We Trust."

Our nom de plume at PayPal is revdeturk@earthlink.net . We will soon have links to PayPal on our Blogs and the PTM Website. If you choose instead to mail a check, please make it payable to Rev. Charles DeTurk, as that is how our accounts are presently set up. Again, whether any of us like it or not, money is a major lubricant in our society that improves the ease and speed with which many things work. We are asking you, right now, for more financial support. Check out what we're doing and give generously today. You have no idea how many people your gift will touch.

Finally, I want to express my sincere gratitude to those who have been faithfully (regularly) supporting this work that we are doing. Your active faith in us goes a long way in inspiring us to continue with what we love to do. You are truly blessed and we thank God for your interest and support every day.

Again, as always, you are all in our prayers and have our blessings. We enjoy your feedback. Keep in touch. And we're glad to be able to say "hello" once again.

-- Charles


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