Welcome to World of the Web

The WorldWideWeb is perhaps the greatest tool/artifact, to date, in the evolution of humanity. The simple reason for that fact is that it is the first place where potentially all of the world's inhabitants can come together in a freeform democracy. What an opportunity; what a frightening challenge. This Blog is dedicated to introducing people to new and interesting aspects of the WWWeb. Welcome!
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Insanity Test

And now, as Monty Python would say, for something completely different. I happened across this link a couple of years ago and have had a lot of fun sharing it since then. Although this is located on the computers at Cornell University, there are copies of it scattered about the Net. Let me just tell you that I had the extreme good fortune to see four generations of my family view this site simultaneously and they were all in insanely hysterical stitches. Personally, I love it and am judged insane every time I view it. Hope you enjoy it as much as we have:



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