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The WorldWideWeb is perhaps the greatest tool/artifact, to date, in the evolution of humanity. The simple reason for that fact is that it is the first place where potentially all of the world's inhabitants can come together in a freeform democracy. What an opportunity; what a frightening challenge. This Blog is dedicated to introducing people to new and interesting aspects of the WWWeb. Welcome!
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Next month will be my mother’s 92nd birthday. Unfortunately, she passed away 10 years ago this coming November. Last December was the 10th anniversary of my younger brother, Larry’s, passing. He was 46 at the time of his death and would have been 57 this past May. It’s hard to believe how long it has been since both of their passings. My mother died as a result of a mistake made in a hospital. My brother died of AIDS. It was quite amazing that he lived as long as he did, for he had been HIV positive for over a decade, making him one of the earlier gay men to contract that horrible disease. He once told me that he had been attending an average of a funeral every week for over a year as he buried his friends, one after another. Before he died he looked like a prisoner who had just been freed from Auschwitz or Buchenwald. Except in his case, there was no freedom other than death.

Although most of the official medical profession has invested tremendous amounts of time and money into “discovering” a human-simian link to explain the origin of HIV/AIDS, I have come to believe that it was a deliberately created virus. I first became aware of this possible origin through Dr. Alan Cantwell’s book, “AIDS and the Doctors of Death.” Then, a couple of years ago I discovered Dr. Boyd Grave’s website, State Origin. I immediately copied and printed the flowchart for the alleged development of AIDS that Dr. Graves had discovered and posted on his website. For those unfamiliar with the particulars of this flowchart (yes, I’m talking to you, dear reader), the flowchart was originally allegedly approved by Richard Nixon in 1971.

What? You didn’t know about this? Well, I’ll also bet that you didn’t know that they finally discovered WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction. It happened just last year. Didn’t you hear about it? In point of fact, they discovered millions of tons of WMD, buried in the ground … at Fort Detrick, MD. Fort Detrick is also where part of this alleged research and development of the AIDS virus took place. Whatever WMD Sadaam Hussein had, he had them largely because they, or the knowledge of how to develop them, were originally “given” or “sold” to him by the United States Government and its allies. But we apparently forced him to destroy most of this technology after Desert Storm, while we merely buried our own WMD in Maryland. Well, HIV/AIDS is another WMD if one understands its possible deliberate origins.

The more I am aware of how much I know, the more I am aware of how little I know. And considering that I am cognizant of a whole lot more than most of the people that I know and have known, I am therefore dedicated to turning people on to information. Hence the reason for this Blog. So today I want to turn you on to some different perspectives regarding this world menace call AIDS. Check out the above links and give yourself some time to think about what they offer in the area of answers of a different stripe than those you might have believed before checking out their perspectives.

Now, I know that these guys may be a bit whacked. But I’m not certain that everything that they are saying is whacked. If you do some searches on the Internet, you’ll also find some folk out there who will take great issue with both Dr. Cantwell and Dr. Graves. But just because some people disagree with them doesn’t necessarily mean that they are wrong. Remember, before a couple of decades ago we didn’t know about black holes. And it was only last week that the discoverer of black holes, the creator of the concept, Dr. Stephen Hawking, finally admitted that he was originally wrong when he said that black holes destroy matter

So, although I know that I’m stepping out on a limb here by stirring the pot up a bit, I’m going to stir it just the same. At the very least, I owe it to my brother to explore the causes of his untimely death. There are just too many strange coincidences about the emergence of AIDS/HIV to just dismiss it as an African simian virus that made the leap to humans on its own accord.


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